Nikita Karamov

born on 05/10/99 in Kazan
Nikita Karamov's picture


Full Stack Developer Hornetsecurity GmbH

  • I develop and maintain the main product of the company (500k SLOC) using Django REST Framework and Angular
  • As a member of the platform team, I maintain the CI configuration and build process for the front-end repository
  • I have reduced the amount of NPM dependencies by over 300

Full-stack developer (student assistant) Institute for Engineering Design

  • Developed and maintained a Django-based internal web application (intranet) to manage employees, orders, and warehous items

Python Developer (student assistant) Institute of System Security

  • Developed a command line application that helps teachers combine and correct homework assignments from various Gitea repositories
  • Developed a web application with Svelte that visualises the results of a research on Deep Learning in Computer

Systems administrator (student assistant) Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics

    Front-end web developer


      Technische Universität Braunschweig Computer Science, Bachelor of Science

      • Minor: Psychology
      • Score: 2.1 (US GPA: 3.5)
      • Thesis: The Current State of Cross-Device Tracking in Android Applications

      Kazan Federal University Software Engineering, Bachelor of Science (dropped out)

      • Score: 4.7 / 5


      • Angular
      • Bash
      • Bootstrap
      • CSS
      • Django
      • Django REST Framework
      • Docker
      • Express.js
      • FastAPI
      • Flask
      • Git
      • GitHub Actions
      • GitLab CI
      • HTML
      • JavaScript
      • Jest
      • jQuery
      • JUnit 5
      • Nginx
      • Nuxt
      • pytest
      • Python
      • SCSS
      • SQL
      • Starlette
      • Svelte
      • Tailwind
      • TypeScript
      • unittest
      • Vitest
      • Vue.js


      • Russian native
      • German CEFR C1
      • English Advanced



      I am a 24-year old software developer and tech enthusiast who is passionate about open-source software, efficiency, security, and privacy.


      This résumé

      The résumé you are reading now was generated from YAML files using a Python script. The PDF files are generated by "printing" from a browser.


      Extensible linter for LaTeX, written in Python. Checks TeX errors, grammar, and spelling out of the box. Developed during a Software development internship, now maintained by


      Share page for Mastodon that work for every instance. Perfect for share buttons. Runs on serverless


      Share buttons for various social networks. Light (under 7 kB) and privacy-friendly, having no tracking code. Shown over 16M times per


      Lightbox gallery component for Vue.js. Lightest amongst competitors (3 kB), and works on any device and browser (including IE11)